Separately, the two leads are great, but together, they just don’t mesh well. The “cute” moments aren’t exactly “aww” inducing, but I think the acting is the main issue here. Both are lacking in Taking a Shot at Love. However, what makes them enjoyable is the charm in the writing and acting. We all know that Hallmark movies are predictable because we know the beginning, end, and even some of the stuff in between.
#Taking a shot of love movie#
While this isn’t the worst Hallmark movie or even Winterfest/New Year New Movies addition, it really isn’t great.

Still, that bit about construction really irked me. Okay, fine, maybe the last two cancel each other out, and we can chalk that up to character development. There is an uplifting moment when Coop acknowledges that Jenna’s male ballet student, Felix, is an incredible athlete, but that doesn’t neglect that a few scenes before that, he was embarrassed to be dancing ballet. But then, when Jenna compares rehabbing with ballet to construction, Coop asks if she’s using guy stuff to help him better understand the process.

I’m not applauding Hallmark for this, but it’s a step in the right direction. One step forward and two steps back with the gender roles. I don’t think it’s a bad script by Hallmark standards, and the acting individually isn’t bad, but together they just don’t mesh. Some of the awkwardness that the writing conveys turns into a bad kind of awkward onscreen. This is the middle of winter in New England, right? How is there not more snow? And how is Coop walking around with an unbuttoned coat? Attention to weather and house size are two very easy things to fix, so I find it annoying that they left them the way they did. How is a young ballet teacher who is struggling to afford her dance studio rent able to afford such a large house in Connecticut? A house with a sizeable garage/guest house at that!